- Explain the professional and legal aspects relating to immunisation
- State the issues surrounding consent and restraint for children and adults
- Identify how to safely store and handle vaccines
- Explain how vaccines work and how they can prevent disease
- State how to prepare for immunisation and support patients
- Identify appropriate anatomical sites to deliver a vaccination in adults and children .
- Describe how to safely and accurately administer a vaccine.
- Identify the common complications associated with vaccination.
- Recognise and manage the emergency treatment of anaphylaxis.
- Describe how to safely perform basic life support in children and adults.
Designed to complement a practical training workshop this online course will then align to the National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training for Registered Healthcare Practitioners (2018). It can also be used to update your knowledge.
We also have disease specific courses available, e.g. Influenza and Hep B as well as short travel health courses.