COVID-19: General Information (updated 20 July 2021)
Everyone’s health and safety remains our top priority. Whilst legislation is changing/has changed in some parts of the country we recognise that the rates of COVID infections are still high. We are adopting best practice within the Health & Social Care sector.
Therefore, we ask:
- That all delegates wear face-masks during our training sessions unless medically exempt.
- That all delegates adhere to social distancing throughout the training session (unless taking part in practical demonstrations).
- All clients must risk assess their training venue at the point of booking the training session.
- All clients provide spacious and naturally ventilated rooms. For the avoidance of doubt, Charles Bloe trainers have the ultimate decision as to whether the venue is suitable.
- All clients provide a short video of the training venue taken on your mobile phone. This has been a successful measure which we implemented in 2020.
- All clients to ensure their delegates do a lateral flow test prior to coming to the training session.
In addition:
- All delegates will need to adhere to strict infection control.
- Delegates won’t be able to touch training equipment unless during practical demonstrations.
- Delegates will be asked not to attend if there are any symptoms of COVID19 and also to sign a disclaimer form on the day (this includes keeping their data secure and releasing it in the event of track and trace).
Please note: we are continuing to offer virtual training options for mandatory, clinical and complex care subjects. These interactive sessions can be complemented by our online courses.
How we are protecting our delegates and staff
With a view to the fact that COVID-19 infections are increasing across the UK, CBT has conducted a review of its already stringent COVID-SAFE procedures and will be strictly adhering to these policies. You can view all our COVID-19 Risk assessments and other policy documents below.
If you are attending a Charles Bloe Training event in the coming days, we ask you to abide by the government’s advice on protecting yourselves and others:
– Wash your hands – or use hand sanitiser
– Cover your face – in enclosed spaces or situations where physical distancing isn’t possible
– Make space – stay at least 2 metres apart wherever possible
Test & Protect App – Scotland Only
In Scotland, we encourage all our delegates to have downloaded, installed and activated the Scottish ‘Test & Protect’ app on the smartphones they will be carrying on the day of their training. To find out more, please visit:
We also must ask you to follow any instructions and information given by our trainers or venue staff. You may be required to provide contact-tracing information to both the venue and the CBT trainer.
Our staff will work closely with venue staff to run sessions and safely as possible. For the avoidance of doubt, at any CBT training sessions, our trainer’s decision in any ‘on-the-day’ matter is final.
Our COVID-19 Risk assessments and other policy documents are available to view below:
C-19 Return F2F Risk Assessment For Clients
As a quality training provider our aim is to keep managers and learners both informed and safe
Our key message is that we want to work with all our clients in a proactive way to ensure those in need still receive quality care, staff maintain compliance and everyone’s well being is maximised. This is inline with the guidance from the Care Quality Commission:
“We recognise that during this period your priority is to provide care to people and this may mean training is delayed. However, it’s important you make every effort to ensure your staff are competent, confident and skilled in providing safe care to the people using your service.”
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me on
Mandy Day-Calder
Managing Director
Archived information provided by this page from Jan 2021 and Sept and June 2020
Following the recent ‘lockdown’ announcements on 4 Jan 2021.
On 4 January 2021 31st October, the English, Scottish and Welsh governments announced changes to restrictions covering all of England to control the spread of Covid-19.
The broad message is that we now need to Stay at Home.
However, the government’s guidance gives exceptions for many activities, including work, education and training, meaning that groups can continue to meet for these purposes. In addition, most training events run by CBT are actually categorised as ‘essential training’ – a higher priority activity than simply ‘work’ or ‘training’.
As such, and in accordance with the law, Charles Bloe Training Ltd (CBT), will continue to offer face-to-face training events.
- You can read the full text of the English government’s announcement here: COVID19 Guidance- GOV.UK
- Similarly we can continue to provide ‘essential’ face-to-face training in Scotland and Wales.
Update – Following the English Government’s announcement on 9th September and Scottish Government’s announcement on 10th September
On 9 September, the English government announced changes to simplify restrictions and ensure COVID-19 is controlled. From Monday 14th September, people in England can now only socialise in groups of up to 6.
On 10th September, the Scottish government announced similar changes: From Monday 14th September, a maximum of 6 people from up to 2 households can meet socially.
The information below may no longer be relevant as it was provided in June 2020.
CBT: keeping you informed
We recognise that we are in an evolving situation and that devolved areas of the UK currently have different levels of guidance regarding easing ‘lockdown’ restrictions. We want to continue to facilitate your staff’s learning, however everyone’s safety and well being remains our paramount concern.
June 2020
We are not as yet routinely offering face-to face-training. Instead, we are looking at each request on a case by case basis.
Should you want us to deliver face-to-face training please consider these points:
- If you are providing the venue we would be asking you to risk assess it – particularly around size / ability for social distancing etc. We will be adhering to social distancing wherever possible and minimising time where this isn’t possible (e.g. trainer and delegate demonstrations / instructions). We normally say 12 for most clinical training subjects but this may have to be reduced according to size of room.
- All delegates will need to adhere to strict infection control – handwashing and wearing PPE (face coverings) especially when social distancing may not be maintained, e.g. clinical skills demonstrations / supervision.
- Delegates won’t be able to touch training equipment unless during practical demonstrations.
- Delegates will be asked not to attend if any symptoms of COVID19 and also to sign a disclaimer form on the day (this includes keeping their data secure and releasing it in the event of track and trace).
We are continuing to offer virtual training options for mandatory, clinical and complex care subjects. These interactive sessions can be complemented by our online courses.
CBT: keeping you safe
We are monitoring government and regulatory body guidance on a regular basis. As such we are hopeful that face-to-face training may be possible for certain groups of staff in the coming months.
- In the first instance, it is likely that we will offer face-to-face training for health and social care staff who require training on a clinical skill either for the first time or where competency has lapsed.
- We will continue to offer routine ‘refresher’ training via our virtual classroom / online training.
As we look to the future of face-to-face training we are guided by the requirements which have been created by the First Aid Awarding Organisation Forum and First Aid Quality Partnership (below) and will adapt for other aspects of clinical training.
Delivering first aid training during the COVID19 pandemic
- A training provider should risk assess their training delivery and mitigate all risks of possible spread of COVID-19.
- A training provider should design lessons to ensure that there is no a 2m distance maintained unless close contact is absolutely necessary for teaching or assessment purposes. Sensible adaptions to training and assessment activities must be introduced to achieve this.
- A training provider should ensure appropriate hand-washing facilities and / or alcohol hand sanitisers are available for use as learners enter and exit the training room and throughout their time in the classroom.
- Where close contact is absolutely necessary and it is teaching and assessment related to a situation where a first aider would be expected to wear PPE, PPE must be used.
- A training provider should have in place a process for preventing those with possible COVID-19 symptoms (fever, a new cough or loss of smell/taste) from entering the classroom. They must also have in place a process to manage instances of people who develop symptoms during the delivery of any training.
- A training provider should have a process in place to be notified, then ‘track and trace’ other learners if someone on the course develops symptoms within 2 weeks of attending first aid training.
- All equipment that is used by learners must be thoroughly cleaned before use by an individual learner.
- The first aid taught must reflect protocols that ensure the safe performance of first aid during the current COVID-19 outbreak that is supported by a body of medical opinion and the Resuscitation Council UK. This must still include the teaching of rescue breaths where appropriate.
We will of course keep abreast of developments and update this information as required.
At present our standard cancellations policy will apply, however everyone’s well-being has to be paramount so we will assess any cancellations should they occur.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me on
Mandy Day-Calder
Managing Director

Relevant information
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for clinicians
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for social or community care and residential settings (GOV.UK)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest information and advice (GOV.UK)
- CQC: Routine inspections suspended in response to coronavirus outbreak
- SCIE/NICE quick guide: Helping to prevent infection in care homes